Monday, March 3, 2014

nine months.

Although I didn't mind being pregnant, the nine months we have had Benson have been way better then him being in me. These past nine months have gone by way faster then my pregnancy too. I can't think about the fact that I will have a one year old in 3 months. Not okay.

Weight: 22 lbs 3 oz- 85%
Height: 28 1/2 inches- 65%
Head Circum.: 44.8 cm.- 40%

- Benson is a wanna be walker. He is most happy when he is up holding our hands and walking all over the place.
- He isn't crawling yet, but is making progress. 
- We gave homemade baby food a try. He loves the fruit and hates the veggies. So we do both homemade and jars. It's mostly just something fun and different for me to do.
- He finally got his own highchair and loves it.
-He has had more types of food this month. Puffs were strange for him at first but now he eats them by the fist full. He loves Cheerios and black beans. Still not a fan of avocados. We are looking forward to eating more soft table foods this month.
-Benson got 4 teeth in the last few weeks. Two on top and two on bottom. Those top two were super painful for him and gave us some sleepless nights. It was awful.
- His sleeping at night has gone downhill. I think the teeth threw him off. He has been waking up lots. We are working on getting back on track. Last night he slept the whole night so fingers crossed.
- Benson learned how to do "sooo big" and loves to do it.
- He has also gotten back into his spitting/noise making phase. We think its cute and fun except when it comes to eating time. Not fun. Food gets all over him and me.
- He loves to drink water out of his sippy cup, but loves drinking out of my glass even more.
- Benson still loves his books and now likes to pull them all off his shelf.
- He loves his touchy feely books and knows right where the different textures are. He thinks every book is going to have different textures and feels every page for them.

Sorry buddy, no furry penguin on that page


  1. He is so cute. You are going to be so happy you kept such a good record. Love you guys

  2. 9 months! He is just so unbelievably cute!! We need to get together again soon!
