Saturday, September 17, 2011

First Post

Figured we'd jump on the bandwagon of creating a blog once you get married. So here we are! We have been married for 2 weeks and 2 days and are just loving life. School and work are in session and we are adjusting just great to our new life together. We are excited for this new chapter in our lives! Hopefully we keep up with this blog shenanigans and you can stay up-to-date on our fun and exciting life!
-Sarah and Matt


  1. You will be so happy you wrote this from the beginning of your marriage. It will be fun for us too.

  2. Yay! So glad we can peek in on you guys now. We adore you two...xoxo

  3. How fun! A M-S story :-) I'm so glad! Ew- and I love that pic of you guys on the temple steps. I want to see all your pics!! Thanks for sharing. I love you guys!xoxo
